Remediation Services

Work on a Brownfield site starts with a thorough investigation into the site’s history and what risks it might pose to redevelopment. From this Phase 1 study (Preliminary Risk Assessment), we will advise what is needed to fix it.

There is more to fixing it than simply ameliorating the impact of contaminated land, poor geotechnical soils, and polluted groundwater. Contaminated or not, planning consent to develop any site requires a plethora of reports.

The optimum solution to the preparation of a site must account for all these aspects.

For your existing site, our services include:

For your proposed development, our services include:

  • Town & country planning
  • Earthworks and 3-D topographical modelling; design of retaining walls, treatment of mine workings and river re-alignment
  • Architectural layouts; optimisation of development space
  • Transportation assessments and travel plans
  • Other services include: utility capacity assessments; provision of environmental permits, warranties and exemptions; advice on Land Remediation Tax Relief